The students have been working hard to get our room and hallway ready for Meet the Teacher Night on Thursday. Today we completed our Adjective Art and it looks AMAZING!
We have also been working on our graphs. Just a reminder that our test will be on Tuesday. If your child is able to complete the worksheets that I sent home earlier this week, they will have no problem writing the test. I will try my best to send home tests by Wednesday. Please sign and return them to school the following day.
Students are usually given approximately one hour to write in their Family Journal. Since we were trying to complete our Adjective Art, I was only able to give the class approximately 40 minutes to write in their journals.
Thinking about joining Greensborough's Parent Council? Take a look at this...
Benefits for children
• Children behave better and achieve more when their parents are involved in their education.
• Their parents will receive advice and information about how to support their learning.
Their concerns can be resolved more quickly when their parents have a positive
relationship with school staff.
Benefits for parents
• Parents have a forum in which they can come together, share ideas and put forward their views
to the headteacher and governing body of their school.
• Their active involvement in decision-making is increased, fostering a culture of ownership and
• They get the support and advice they need to help and encourage their children with their
• They have more information about their children's education and the quality of that education.
• They can build their own confidence, skills and social networks, leading to personal
development and increased employability.
Council meets every third Thursday of the month in our school library. The next meeting will take place on Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 7 p.m.
Monday is a P.A day, so no school for the kids.
Have a great weekend!