
Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Day 2

Wow!  It was a HOT day.  Despite having most of the lights off and 3 fans circulating the air, by the end of the day, the kids looked as if they were melting.  Please remember to dress your child for the weather and send a water bottle to school every day.  

In Language we worked on "Read to Self".  We talked about the 3 ways to read a book and discussed the correct way to read silently.  

In Math, we reviewed the graph we created yesterday and discussed what information can be learned from it.

In Visual Arts we started to discuss the artist, Pablo Picasso.  Over the next week or so, we will start working on our "Picasso Faces".

Students were sent home with their Spelling Homework notebook.  This notebook contains their spelling words and homework for the year.  Homework is due on Tuesdays.  Please only sent the notebook to school on Tuesdays.  Spelling tests will be on Tuesdays.  The first homework assignment due date and spelling test will be on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2016.  

Please remember to sign up for  See the link on our blog.