Welcome Letter - September 6, 2016
Mrs. B. Maybury's Grade 2 Class
September 2016
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Parent Communication: Agendas
Each student at Greensborough Public School must purchase an agenda. The cost of the agenda is $5.00. The agenda will help your child learn to organize and plan, and it will be an important tool for parent-teacher communication. Please check the agenda each day for homework assignments/notes from me/letters from the school and sign your initials on each day. Please sign even if there is no homework, to help keep us stay consistent with our daily routine. Throughout the year, you are always welcome to leave a note in your child’s agenda if you have any questions or comments and I will respond in a timely manner.
Family Journals
Part of our writing program this year involves our Family Journals. At school each week, your child will write a letter about what they learned at school. They will bring their journals home over the weekend to share with family members. Please feel free to write a short response to their letter directly into the book and return it back to school on the following Monday.
Given that there are many serious food allergies at Greensborough P.S, we kindly ask that you do not send any food to school for your child’s birthday or any other school day. As a class, we will acknowledge and celebrate each child’s birthday, so there is no need to bring anything to school.
Snacks and Lunches
Please send your child to school with a nutritious snack (fruits and vegetables) and lunch every day. Remember to include spoons/forks, if necessary. Students are given 10 minutes before recess for a nutrition break. Lunch begins at 12:50 p.m. and class resumes at 1:50 p.m. We encourage students to bring recyclable containers whenever possible. Any food that is not eaten will be sent home.
Please keep in mind that Greensborough P.S is a nut free environment, therefore all snacks and lunches should be completely nut free.
It is strongly recommend that you send your child to school with a reusable water bottle every day (filled with only water - not juice). Students will need frequent water breaks during the day and having a water bottle in class will minimize disruptions and time spent outside of the classroom.
Gym Clothing
Greensborough is on a 5 day cycle. Our scheduled gym days are on day 1 and day 3. Students do not need to bring extra gym clothes to school, however non-scuff running shoes are required. Opportunities for outdoor physical activity will also be provided.
Indoor and Outdoor Shoes
All students should have two pairs of shoes at school everyday - indoor and outdoor shoes. Gym shoes may also be used as indoor shoes. Students should arrive to school and leave school with their outdoor shoes on while their indoor shoes will remain at school at all times. Do not send lace up shoes unless your child can tie them independently.
Please ensure that your child has a backpack to carry to and from school each day. The backpack needs to be large enough to hold his or her lunch, agenda, and library books, as well as any work that may be sent home.
Outdoor play is part of our daily program in all seasons. Dress your child in appropriate clothing for weather conditions. Put your child’s name in all clothing that she or he might take off at school (shoes, sweaters, coats, boots, etc.).
Sometimes it is a good idea to put an extra pair of clothes in your child’s backpack. just in case they need to change due to a bathroom accident or splashing in a puddle.
Toys and Games
Toys should NOT be brought to school and will not be allowed into the classroom, however, outdoor toys for recess are allowed (e.g., skipping rope, soccer ball). Put your child’s name on all items.
The majority of school supplies will be provided by the school. If you choose to send additional supplies with your child, please label them with their name.
Lates and Absences
Please try to have your child at school on time. Your son/daughter should arrive to school in enough time to hear the bell and line up with the class for entry. The entry bell rings at 8:50 a.m. If your child is late, he/she must visit the office to receive a late slip before coming to class.
If you know that your child will be away from school, please let the office know ahead of time. Try to avoid any unnecessary absences since attendance at school will significantly affect your child’s education.
Class Blog
Our class blog is up and running! Please visit our blog daily at http://mrsmayburysterrifictwosatgps.blogspot.ca/ On the blog you will find our daily timetable, weekly homework, spelling words, and calendar. In the near future, I will be sending you another letter regarding how to access pictures on our blog.
Would you like to receive reminder texts from me about assignment due dates, tests, field trips, and other important information? What about an occasional text about something wonderful your child has done in class? If so, sign up for remind.com. It is a free app! It is a great way for us to stay connected. Go to https://www.remind.com/join/mrsmaybur. When you sign up, please be sure to indicate the name of your child.
Dismissal and Safety
Please ensure that your child knows who is picking them up after school. Students will exit the school using the doors at the North-East doors (doors closest to the corner of Bur Oak and Alfred Patterson Dr.). Students will be asked to wait for the person picking them up and if that person is late, students will go to the office and wait there. However, if you are going to be late, please inform the office and your child will be asked to wait in the office right away.
Greensborough Public School is a healthy living school. We strongly encourage parents to walk with their children to school. It is a great time to talk with your child and meet others in the community.
If you need to pick your child up early, please do not come to the classroom for your son/daughter. Instead, call the office to let the school know that you will be coming in early to pick up your child. The office will ensure that he/she is waiting for you in the office.
No Parents/Guardians In the Building
Thank you ahead of time for your cooperation and support. I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year in Grade 2!
Mrs. B. Maybury